Organizer Badge
Organizer Badge
Welcome to Another Furry Con: Fantasy Adventufurs! We at AFC understand that putting together conventions for the fandom is no easy feat and we appreciate the dedication and hard work put forth. To help show our appreciation, we offer a complimentary organizer badge for the Convention Chair and Vice-Convention Chair of anthropomorphic conventions. If you would like to attend AFC with this badge, please email us at and we will be happy to get you registered.
For anthropomorphic volunteers who are not a Convention Chair or Vice-Chair, we may still have options for you to attend at a discounted price. Please email us with with the convention you currently volunteer for and we will get back to you shortly!
Organizer Badge
Organizer Badge
Welcome to Another Furry Con: Fantasy Adventufurs! We at AFC understand that putting together conventions for the fandom is no easy feat and we appreciate the dedication and hard work put forth. To help show our appreciation, we offer a complimentary organizer badge for the Convention Chair and Vice-Convention Chair of anthropomorphic conventions. If you would like to attend AFC with this badge, please email us at and we will be happy to get you registered.
For anthropomorphic volunteers who are not a Convention Chair or Vice-Chair, we may still have options for you to attend at a discounted price. Please email us with with the convention you currently volunteer for and we will get back to you shortly!